Architecture versus Design

Takaharu & Yui Tezuka  
James Njoo  
Penezić & Rogina arhitekti  
Studio FIKTIV 
4-11 August 2013 


Architecture is that which, through distortion of time creates socially beneficial conditions hitherto impossible. 

This was Cedric Price's basic definition of architecture, a radical challenge to the narrow primacy of space and building. Price promoted an antlcipatory archltecture that would enable activities that were as yet socially undefined. At the same time, he insisted on the importance of design as an "expanded field" for architecture, be it of a system, diet, military strategy, armchair, Infrastructure or building. The question Is: In the face of today's global reality, should architecture concentrate or expand its expertise? How can architecture embrace cultural multiplicity while remaining specific as a discipline? What new roles can architecture assume in 21st century? 

Workshop: Toward a Kawaii architecture? 
In contemporary japanese culture, the adjectice Kawaii refers to a quality that an object , situation or person may have. In the dictionary, one finds translations such as cute, pretty or adorable . an old lady or a small kiosk can be very kawaii. In architecture the term implies a broader definition of architectural values beyond notions of taste or beauty, right or wrong. Kawaii architecture attempts to adress a wider public, welcoming impurity and cultural diversity. What are theoretical implications of a Kawaii architecture for future practice? How might we shift our attention from critique and judgement toward observation and understanding? 

Grožnjan Summer School of Architecture

Umberta Gorjana 2, 52429 Grožnjan, Croatia
